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We stand beside you! Yanındayız derneği!

For sustainable development of our countries we need to accomplish all the Sustainable Development Goals and especially the Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5) Which targets achieving gender equality and empower all women and girls
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“We stand beside you” movement (yanındayız derneği) centers on the active participation of men for gender equality. They do not directly empower women, but they aim at creating a mental transformation by building a bridge from men to men for SDG 5. The founder of this NGO, We stand beside you, Nur Ger who was one of the founders of Kagider in 2003. We were together in founding and later managing Kagider on the Board in 2011.

Present chair of the Board of “we stand beside you” is Selen Okay Alcalı. Selen is a very smart and energetic lady.

Recently she hosted a reception in honor of Dr. Gary Barker, President and CEO of Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice. Equimundo is a global leader NGO from Washington DC dedicated to engaging men and boys in championing gender equality and preventing violence worldwide.

Dr Gary gave an excellent and inspring speech to an extremely high level audience mostly made up of business leaders of Istanbul.

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