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Gülden Türktan Posts

Conference on Gender and Trade, closing the Gender Gap – A Tool for Economic & Trade Development in Pakistan

According to World Economic Forum’s (WEF) November 2017 paper, Pakistan ranks 143 among 144 countries of the study in gender gap index, whereas neighboring Bangladesh ranks 47- which represents the best rank in the region. Taking the current ranking into consideration, the opportunity for improvement seems to be huge for Pakistan.  World…

WEF 2018 Davos, Women and W20 in a Fractured World and Digital Transparency to Enlighten Us All First

WEF 2018 Meetings in Davos  In Davos, the concept of the year was “women.” But, the topic that followed or perhaps even somewhat surpassed the topic of gender equity was the fact that President Trump was coming to Davos for the first time and “what shall he be saying to…

Supporting Working Parents: Tackling Childcare, a big step forward

World Bank and IMF every year hold joint meetings to bring together central bankers, ministers of finance and development, private sector executives as well as civil society and academicians to discuss global issues of concern in order to increase global awareness and attention about them and eventually to solve them.…

APEC Leaders’ Summit

APEC APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) is a regional economic business association organization that aims to increase the trade and investments of the countries, coastal to the Pacific Ocean from Asia and America. Established in 1989 by 12 founding countries, APEC now consists of 21 member economies that produce about 60% of the…

Lifting the Clouds Above the Economy

TÜSİAD ve Dünya Bankası’nın 12 Haziran 2017 de Istanbul’da düzenlediği toplantıda Dünya Bankası’nın “Haziran 2017 Küresel Ekonomik Beklentiler” raporu tanıtıldı. TUSIAD in cooperation with the World Bank Group has presented the report of the World Bank called “Global Economic Prospects: a Fragile Recovery” on June 12, 2017 in Istanbul. In…

W20 Summit Berlin – BBC World News

W20 Chair of Turkey 2015 was live on the BBC World News regarding W20 Berlin Summit W20 Berlin Zirvesi – BBC World News W20 Türkiye başkanı Gülden Türktan, Berlin’de gerçekleşen W20 zirvesi ile ilgili BBC World News kanalında canlı yayında.

Women 20 Meeting Communiqué Xi’an, China 26 May 2016

We, representatives of the 2016 Women 20 (W20) Meeting, met in Xi’an, China, from 24 to 26 May 2016 to discuss gender equality perspectives in global economic governance; women’s employment, entrepreneurship and social protection; women’s role in the digital economy; and interconnected and innovative women’s network. We reaffirm that gender…